Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Quick Update

Hi everyone! I've been a bit hectic lately, with starting a new semester of classes and a new job, but I'll have another book up within a week. I hope there are still some people who stop by, cause I get a HUGE kick out of doing this.

Check for new stuff in a few days!


Anonymous said...

Im still here!!

Anonymous said...

i'm still reading too! looking forward to your next entry!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I thought you'd abandoned this forever!

Anonymous said...

I checked...

Anonymous said...

I got nostalgic and googled "Jeremy Dragon" and found your blog, and it totally made my day. It's always hysterical to go back and reread the YA books you loved as a kid especially the ubiquitous Judy Blume. Your commentary was great, please keep updating!!